QuickStart is a medically safe but aggressive Very Low to Low Calorie Diet (VLCD/LCD) that is designed to take away control from the patient temporarily. It immediately stabilizes the blood sugars, controls cravings, and affects a medically safe, aggressive, and rapid weight loss. This is ideal for patients that need to see and feel a rapid weight loss, allowing you to regain control over food, or to break a weight loss plateau.
This program utilizes 100% protein supplemented “Sneals®” that Dr. Powell has personally selected from a variety of nutritional suppliers to include:
Medical Grade Nutritional Companies
Winter Fancy Food Show
Sports Nutritional Shows
Organic and Natural Food Shows
United Natural Food Industries Grocers
Every Sneal® that Dr. Powell selects is designed to stabilize blood sugars, curb hunger, increase satisfaction, and protect muscle mass.
This program also requires increased accountability with weekly weigh-ins, bi-weekly visits with a practitioner as well as monthly practitioner visits. The calorie restriction is customized for the individual taking into consideration multiple medical and lifestyle factors. This program can work with or without appetite suppressant medications and total daily caloric intake is customized for each individual. The program also includes a full 3D body scan that tracks your progress throughout your weight loss journey.