Featured Articles
The main reason to lose weight is for health, not appearance.
- The risk of death rises with increasing weight.
- Even moderate weight excess (10 to 20 pounds for a person of average height) increases the risk of death, particularly among adults ages 30 to 64.
Sodium Intake In Our American Nutrition/diet
There has been a recent surge in the media/press about sodium intake in our American nutrition/diet. First what I am going to do is explain exactly what sodium is versus salt. Second I will give you what the medical and governmental guidelines are for what the human body requires and what we actually get from American foods.
The Easy Way To Eat Right
CarbEssentials, The Easy Way to Eat Right, was opened in early 2003 by Raymond Powell, MD and his wife Dominique Powell. Dr. Powell, a board certified bariatrician, has treated thousands of medical weight loss patients in his clinics and is always looking for high-quality, nutritional products to help his patients achieve their weight loss goals.
The HCG Diet
About every 5 to 10 years there seems to be a wave of hype through different areas of the country about the HCG Diet. The HCG diet has been known about for over 50 years.
The Food Amnesia, ‘I need my energy’ Story.
Once upon a time, not too long ago, actually it was last month (March 2008). I’m about to go into see a patient that I saw two months before as a new weight loss patient. Before I entered the room I reviewed her weight loss progress and noticed that she had lost only 1 or 2 pounds since she started at our clinic.
The Art of the “Sneal®”
Although it may sound counterintuitive it’s a fact. “The secret to losing weight is eating.” says Dr. Ray Powell M.D. board certified bariatrician and Physician Nutrition Specialist and founder of his Physician’s Plan Weight Management practice and CarbEssentials stores.